Keynote speaker at the Virtual John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum - Queen Rania's Closet ستايل الملكة رانيا

Keynote speaker at the Virtual John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum

by - 04:31

 Yesterday, Her Majesty Queen Rania was one of the keynote speakers at the Virtual John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum hosted by the Harvard University Institute of Politics and conducted by Harvard University Professor Melani Cammett, where she joined in via video call, speaking and highlighting the Growing Global Inequality caused by the COVID-19 pandemic noting that the crisis has uncovered and exacerbated long-standing inconsistencies within society. 

Queen Rania warned that, “for the first time in 20 years, extreme poverty is back on the rise,” with so many people reeling under parallel pandemics of hunger, violence, and increasing illiteracy. Describing all this as “a vicious, destructive cycle,” she further explained that inequality had fueled the global spread of COVID-19, and in turn, the ensuing health, economic, and education crises is fuel further inequality.

Her Majesty recognized the flooding disparity as a “defining feature of our world,” crossing geographies as well as income, gender, and racial divides. 

Noting that low-income nations are less likely to give assets toward pandemic moderation and recuperation, Her Majesty brought up that "more unfortunate nations basically come up short on the liquidity to commit to stimulus packages that are much needed to resuscitate their economies." 

The Queen clarified that the pandemic has "divulged a story of two real factors," drawing a comparison between the individuals who could without much of a stretch, work from home and the individuals who couldn't bear to self-seclude in light of the fact that "remaining at home implied they would bite the dust of appetite." 

Her Majesty additionally focused on the pandemic's effect on women in the Middle East and North African (MENA) district, expressing that they were at that point at an extensive disservice before the pandemic. 

"They just record for 20% of the workforce, in spite of the fact that they complete five fold the amount of neglected consideration and homegrown work," the Queen said, adding that lockdowns and school and childcare terminations have just extended this sexual orientation partition. 

"That is truly hard for mothers and their families, however we additionally need to recall that it's horrendous for our economies," she cautioned. "As per the World Bank, on the off chance that we could acquire ladies' lifetime income the MENA area to rise to those of men, at that point we could add around 3 trillion dollars of abundance to our district. That is 3 trillion-worth of lost freedoms." 

Queen Rania proposed that the appropriation of adaptable business related practices in the wake of COVID could encourage expanded work environment inclusivity, for ladies just as "individuals who are generally closed out from the working environment in view of their conditions," like those with incapacities, single guardians, or displaced people. 

Contending that the pandemic's financial aftermath has expanded the problem of the worldwide outcast local area, the Queen cautioned that in Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, the COVID emergency has driven more than 1 million Syrian refugees further into destitution. 

Her Majesty added that the pandemic has even excessively influenced evacuees living in major league salary countries, who are at more serious danger of joblessness, and pointed that there are the individuals who might utilize the pandemic as a "political instrument" against outcasts to stir up alarm by endeavoring to draw a connection among displaced people and the spread of COVID-19 for political increase. 

"What a great deal of these lawmakers and a portion of individuals who vote in favor of them miss is that, in numerous examples, exiles and workers reward society," adding that displaced people with foundations in medication have added to combatting the pandemic in Jordan, France, Peru, and somewhere else. 

Alluding to the key pretended by foreigners in immunization advancement, Her Majesty said, "the two fellow benefactors of Moderna and their boss basic researchers are initially outsiders, as is the CEO of Pfizer." 

The Queen underlined that these models "vouch for the force of variety," and reminded her crowd that "as a rule, outcasts and outsiders advantage, not weight economies" as worldwide investigations order them as net occupation makers, not occupation takers. 

During the Forum, Her Majesty likewise talked about profound established disparities in schooling access and pondered the pandemic's cost for the condition of local instruction. 

She clarified that in the Middle East, one of every five kids were at that point out of school preceding the pandemic, and disturbances to training have put a whole age at additional danger, with 40% of schoolchildren in the MENA being cut off from far off tutoring in 2020, as per UNICEF. 

The Queen accentuated that the COVID emergency ought to constrain the global local area to focus on equivalent admittance to quality instruction, underscoring that this need is much more articulated in the Middle East due to its extraordinary socioeconomics. 

"We have a young lump: near 70% of our populace is younger than thirty. To harvest that segment profit, we truly should make these critical interests in quality instruction," she said, calling for developing the hybridization of training by putting resources into face to face and far off learning techniques and guaranteeing teachers are set up to follow through on those adequately. 

Notwithstanding focusing on unavoidable disparity, Her Majesty said the emergency has additionally managed the cost of us an "freedom to rethink another future" and the "catalyst to roll out the improvements that are so long late." 

Queen Rania additionally featured the job COVID-19 has played in changing perspectives encompassing environmental change, and acknowledged the pandemic for expanding individuals' attention to their natural effect, with lockdowns around the planet incidentally adding to cleaner air and lower contamination rates. 

Noticing that responsibility for the environment emergency has for some time been evaded by humankind in general, Her Majesty communicated good faith that the world is at last making a move. "I think now there is a maintainability insurgency in progress that is driven for the most part by youngsters yet that is being heard by everybody."

International Women's day:

In honour of International Women's day, Her Majesty posted a series of pictures celebrating women especially the Jordanian Women with the caption: 

خلال أزمة كورونا، رأينا المرأة الأردنية تقف في الصفوف الأولى، جندية وطبيبة وممرضة، معلمة وأم وغيرها؛ كل واحدة تعطي في ميدانها. تعمل وتدرس وتَرعى وتملأ الفراغات وترفع الهِمم

اليوم ليس للاحتفال الرمزي بالمرأة، بل لتتذكر كل امرأة أينما كانت وفي كل يوم بأنها القوة والعطاء والحب، وأنها تضيء كل مكان توجد فيه

كل عام وكل نساء الأردن والعالم بخير

#يوم_المرأة_العالمي #الأردن #حب_الأردن

Throughout this pandemic, Jordanian women have been on the frontlines: soldiers, doctors, nurses, teachers, mothers, and more... working, teaching, caring, bridging gaps, and lifting spirits.

This International Women’s Day is much more than a symbolic celebration. It is a reminder that every day, women in Jordan and beyond exemplify true strength, sacrifice, and love

#IWD2021 #Jordan #LoveJO

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