Happy 26th Wedding anniversary to Their Majesties

by - 14:01

On the occasion of their 26th wedding anniversary on June 13th, Her Majesty Queen Rania released a new portrait of her and His Majesty King Abdullah II looking in love as ever for since they met and got married 26 years with the caption: كم انا محظوظة بقربك. شكرا على الأمس واليوم وكلي شوق لغد انت فيه...سيدي... كل عام وأنت في القلب ملك وعلى الرأس تاج
#الأردن #حب_الأردن
I am so lucky to be by your side, today, tomorrow, and every day to come. God bless you my King:

Look Details:
Erdem Amelia Twist-Front Dress 

Zora asymmetric silk skirt - Erdem

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