Her Majesty speaks at the Paris Peace Forum

by - 07:44

 Speaking at the fifth edition of the Paris Peace Forum on Friday Novemeber 12th, in order to address the world's growing difficulties, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah asked the international community to adopt a paradigm change. She urged all parties to "approach this moment like the shake-up it is."

The COVID-19 epidemic, the conflict in Ukraine, climate change, inequality, and a general decline in trust are among the "a convergence of problems" that the world is currently dealing with, according to her. But all too frequently, she continued, "we are failing to address our collective threats with a spirit of common cause."

"Our world is out of balance; maintaining stability alone is insufficient," Her Majesty emphasized the need for four crucial shifts in how mankind approaches common challenges: “Renewing our faith in truth, recognizing that we all have equal worth, safeguarding the future, and believing in our ability to remake the world as we wish it could be.”

The Queen further elaborated on the first measure by highlighting the significance of expressing the truth and acting on what is spoken. "Truthfulness is the cornerstone of trust, but words alone won't cut it. In the space between words and deeds, cynicism thrives, she claimed.

Her Majesty used the global response to climate change as an illustration of the "chasm between promises and policies," pointing out the striking discrepancy between commitments made as part of the 2015 Paris Agreement to stop global temperatures from rising and findings from a recent UN climate report that predict that "temperatures will rise a full degree past safe conditions."

Queen Rania warned that wish lists were now too late. "We need legally binding to-do lists to preserve both our reputation and the environment."

Her Majesty then spoke about the second realignment of the paradigm shift, emphasizing the value of respecting our shared humanity, particularly in light of refugee populations. Self-sufficiency is a myth, she declared. We'll continue to experience its harshest effects unless we accept the truth of our interconnectedness.

The Queen stated that the global refugee crisis has taken on "epic proportions," with more than 100 million people being considered to be internally displaced worldwide, or "one and a half times the population of France." She also emphasized how refugees from Ukraine were treated differently than those who had been uprooted from their homes in South Sudan, Syria, or Myanmar.

"What causes the disparity in compassion? Does skin tone really make a difference? she questioned. "Too frequently, budgets aren't the problem. It is prejudice and bigotry.

The Queen went on to elaborate on the third element of the paradigm shift, saying that "we have to behave in the service of future generations," making it clear that our decisions will have an immediate effect on those who will inherit our legacy, even if we never get to meet them in person.

Our responsibility is to use our time wisely, she remarked. "The next financial quarter, the next financial election, or the next generation of smartphones are not important. Doing the right thing for the next generation of humans is important.

Her Majesty made it plain that "renewing hope and faith in ourselves" was vital to achieve the paradigm shift's final crucial realignment.

She observed, "Despite the several challenges we confront, mankind has made incredible progress. Over the past few decades, one billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty, infant mortality has decreased by more than half, more children are in school, and fewer children are going hungry.

The Queen added, "These victories have been made possible by more than just technology. Collaboration and trust are key. the desire to lend a hand. the virtue that dwells in people's hearts.

Queen Rania urged the audience to reject complacency and strive to foresee crises early, explaining that hope is found in our capacity to trust that things can get better. "So that we can mend issues before they become risks, and prevent tomorrow's crises before they start," she said.

The Paris Peace Forum was established in 2018 with the goal of bridging the governance gap by bringing together various stakeholders to develop real solutions to global issues where none currently exist. Public and private organizations from all over the world frequently attend the annual event where they showcase their governance initiatives to world leaders, elected officials, experts, and other stakeholders.

Look Details:

She was seen wearing a new Schiaparelli white poplin, embellished with crystal beaded strands of golden hair Shirt

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