2020 Royal Family Christmas Card - Queen Rania's Closet ستايل الملكة رانيا

2020 Royal Family Christmas Card

by - 10:04

 Today Her Majesty released the Sovereign family's 2020 Christmas Card on her Instagram wishing everyone best wishes for the holiday seasons.

On the card we have His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen surrounded by their children TRH Crown Prince Hussein, Princess Iman and Princess Salma and Prince Hashim. In her caption, she reflected on how this year was and how close we embraced our love ones in the current pandemic: 

‎نودع عاماً آخر حمل لنا ظروفاً غير عادية، وبالرغم من أننا ابتعدنا قليلاً عن عائلاتنا وأحبتنا، إلا أن محبتهم لدينا أكبر. مع نهاية هذه السنة نتمنى لكم ولجميع من في قلوبكم كل العافية والخير

#حب #عائلة #الأردن #حب_الأردن

This year, even as we have kept our distance, we’ve all held our loved ones a little closer in our hearts. Sending prayers for health and happiness to all.

Look Details:

Apple Watch Series 4 Gps, 44mm Gold Aluminum Case with Pink Sand Sport Loop

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