Their Majesties receive US Senator Lindsey Graham #Jordan #LoveJO ‎#حب #الأردن #حب_الأردن

by - 10:18

His Majesty King Abdullah accompanied by Her Majesty Queen Rania yesterday welcome US officials at the Al-Husseinya Palace for bilateral talks.

The U.S. Congress delegation, led by Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina, paid a visit to Their Majesties for discussions on the strategic cooperation and partnership between Jordan and the United States of America and Middle East issues.

According to RHC, "the meeting touched upon the role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. His Majesty stressed the need to support the UN body to continue providing educational, health and relief services to the refugees, given the fact that there are more than five million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations. The meeting also tackled the Syrian crisis, and efforts to reach political solutions to it, as well as the war on terror".

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